Superior insights wipe up the competition

Annotation 2023-08-10 114023
Smells like success for fragranced household wipes
A large consumer goods company producing health, hygiene and nutrition products wanted to discover how their new scented household wipes compared to their existing products and competitors. The client needed confidence that new introductions would be equally liked and accepted to its current product line while still beating out competitive products.


A new fragranced household wipe prototype delights consumers and outshines its existing line and competition, making room for a clean sweep for product success.

Our Approach

Curion implemented Consumer Acceptance testing that showed branded and non-branded products to allow the test to focus on the fragrance, packaging, and efficacy.

Two fragrance families – Citrus and Fresh – were tested using two prototypes from each family and a control sample belonging to the brand.

The success of these depended on OAL and purchase intent as well as high performing attributes.


Three phases of product testing evaluated Neat and In-Use product usage:



Neat Stage

Both prototypes were inferior to the citrus control on most of the key measures.

In-Use Stage

Both prototypes performed well, with one performing equally as well as the citrus control.


Neat Stage

Both prototypes were at parity or outperformed the fresh control on most or all key measures.

In-Use Stage

Both prototypes performed well and were equally as effective as the fresh control.


The fresh prototype clearly outperformed the client’s current product, leaving the client with strong confidence to switch to a highly successful replacement for their fresh fragranced household wipes.